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Online Schooling - Visualizing Pi

This graphic was designed by Lorena O'Neal, you can check out more of her work here . Source: http://www.onlineschooling.net
Скорошни публикации

Travel and Vacation Statistics

This graphic was designed by Lorena O'Neal, you can check out more of her work here . Source: http://www.onlineclasses.net


Do you play Farmville? This is the cartoonish, stupid, absorbing, facebook-game with motley animated animals and vegetables which millions of people feed and seed in their virtual farms. The more you pick, the more you get. Simple principle. In the last few days it seems to me like EU leaders are trying to play their own kind of Euroville, where EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton already unveiled her plans for building European diplomatic farm and feeding own administration for it in the next couple years. She called this “my first priority” during her first “performance” in front of European parliament in January 2010. By the end of April EU foreign ministers should have decided on adopting Ashton's proposal regarding setting up the European External Action Service, created by the Lisbon Treaty. She made her final proposal last week. According to it, EEAS will be lead by a High Representative with enormous power and little liability to EP. A network of EU embassies will be...

Едно пътуване до Брюксел...

Речих, че по-добре 100 пъти да видиш, отколкото 1 да прочетеш, затова разказът за Брюксел този път е във визуална форма. Използвах Cooliris visual wall , който се оказа много удачен за такъва цел. Цялата галерия е тук .

Mine awareness day - TH!NK about it

Today is the forth International day of Mine awareness. I didn’t realize how deep this problem is until I read some official statistics about it. Let’s see. A handbook, issued by the UN in 2009 , says that by the end of 1990’s there were an estimated 15 to 20 thousand casualties caused by landmines or unexploded ordnance every year. After the signing of Landmines Convention in Ottawa, Canada in 1997, the number of those killed by landmines decreased. In 2007 were indentified 5,751 casualties from mines. More than 75 countries are affected of unexploded ordnance. This includes Afghanistan, Angola, Burundi, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Colombia, Iraq, Nepal and Sri Lanka. http://www.flickr.com/photos/un_photo/3332075880/ Over the years landmines changed from device of defense to offensive weapons. Landmine fields, once marked, are now left unrecorded. “Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor Fact Sheet” , issued in March 2010, says that 61% of all recorded casualties were civilians, e...

Change. We can believe in

No, I’m not going to talk about Obama and his controversial campaign. My message is another. A week ago TH!NK3 started in Brussels. All of us, bloggers from around the world, entered a competition where we should write articles about developing world and MDG’s. There is one goal – involving our readers in a discussion about all these issues that UN mentioned in its 2000’s report and trying to convince them it’s important. In the days following the kick-off event I was thinking is it equal to write about the pollution of the seas or the child labour or the bad governance. I hardly found my starting point, since I couldn’t specify which topic is most important. Which of all the goals deserve the most attention, or at least – which one is more urgent. If I call my country Bulgaria part of EU and because of that – part of the developed world, does it mean that our problems with prostitution or with access to health services are more or less important than the same problems in an African co...

The sequence - Brussels

The sequence - Brussels , originally uploaded by Georgi Bachvarov .